Hidden facebook smileys!

Benny Livistonia found a bunch of hidden facebook-smileys! ๐Ÿ˜€

Copy ‘n’ paste these symbols to the facebook chat:

โ˜€ โ˜ โ˜” โ˜• โ˜บ โ™ฅ โค โšก โ›„ โœŠ โœ‹ โœŒโ˜โœจ

A couple of these smileys use invisible characters, sneaky facebook programmers! =P



After posting this blogpost to the chatcodes facebook wall, many users quickly figured out that these smileys are “emojis”!ย Gianluca Giorgioย also found this list ofย emojis that worksย depending on your OS and you browser support for the “Segoe UI Symbol” font:


For me, emojis only work in safari… ๐Ÿ˜›

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7 Responses to Hidden facebook smileys!

  1. ochoy says:

    ayo spa yg mau citerr

    โ˜€ โ˜ โ˜” โ˜• โ˜บ โ™ฅ โค โšก โ›„ โœŠ โœ‹ โœŒโ˜โœจ

  2. zouhir says:


  3. zouhir says:


  4. seba hatem says:


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